Leah on Love: A Podcast on Dating and Relationships

Why High-Achieving Women Like Themselves Better Single

Meleah Manning Episode 145

This one is for the ambitious, high-achieving women who have ever gotten out of a relationship and felt like “Phew, there I am again…”

Ever feel like relationships are more trouble than they are worth?

Feel like you are so much more YOURSELF when you are single than when you are in a relationship?

Do you thrive in other areas of your life when you aren’t in a relationship compared to when you are in one?

Yep, this one is for you.

Once this truly CLICKS — it will change your experience in relationships from never feeling good enough to actually enjoying the easefulness of a relationship with a supportive partner (the dream right?!)

P.S. I specialize in helping women overcome this pattern so that they can finally attract the RIGHT partner for them.

(Doesn’t matter your age, how busy you are, or if you’ve already tried therapy — this is a proven process that has worked for 100+ women)

Join the waitlist for Radiant Relationship Academy here.

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