Leah on Love: A Podcast on Dating and Relationships

5 Reasons Why Your “Picker” Might Be Off

Meleah Manning Episode 135

Ever feel like you just end up with the wrong partners? Sometimes, the red flags were even obvious yet you still chose them. You felt a strong attraction, a pull towards them— and you felt like you couldn’t control who felt feelings for.

It might be time to examine your "picker."

In this episode, we are diving into the 5 reasons why you might be repeatedly choosing partners who aren't right for you.

I cover what these 5 reasons are and what you can do to overcome them and actually SPEED UP the amount of time it takes to find your person!

RESERVE YOUR SEAT: Reignite the Passion FREE Summit — April 26th-27th https://reigniting-the-passion-summit.heysummit.com/?sc=t7eUrAtV

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